Welcome to The Founder’s Chair!
Here’s what you can expect from your experience with TFC:
Past Successes
We’ll provide you with some resources so you can review past events and Founders’ successes.
You’ll have the opportunity to join two webinars: One to meet some fellow Founders and one to meet some of the event Funders.
Virtual Deal Room
We’ll grant you access and send a tutorial to familiarize yourself with our virtual deal room*.
*Deal room will be used to collect business information, connect you with ideal Funders, provide mentorship opportunities, and so much more!
We’ll finalize travel accommodations and provide you with the agenda.
You’ll review your business plan and complete a dry-run of your presentation with James.
Show Time!
Funders and Founders come together* for our main event where Founders present their business plans and presentation to Funders.
*Founders will have the opportunity to get in front of Funders three different times during the event.
Event Debrief
Our team will provide you with a follow-up plan and custom Founder Debrief Document.
Investment Window
Investor interest will be finalized within a 30-day*, post-event deal window.
*Some deals could take longer than 30 days to finalize.
The Founder’s Chair receives a 4% success fee from the transaction, paid for by one or split by both parties.
Ongoing Support
With your permission, TFC will share testimonials, photography, etc. to highlight your success and involvement with us.